Zone Entry Form 20225 Season


Each year the Port Hunter Zone hosts the Zone Athletics Carnival. Each centre is allocated duties that they
must fill over the weekend to allow the carnival to precede, much like a normal Saturday morning meet at
our centre. The number of duties that are allocated depends on the number of children that attend from each
centre. The duties could include Time Keeping, Place Judging on the finish line, helping at one of the
throws or jumps, or doing a stint in the Canteen or helping in the computer room, just like you do every
The Track Duties are usually about 2-3 hours, the Field Duties last for the length of time for the event/s that
you are rostered on for and the Canteen duties last about 1 hour. Our committee will make up a parent’s
roster once entries are received and we know which duties are allocated to our club. This will be displayed
at the Centre and time will be given for parents to request changes if necessary.
Parents are required to pay a $50 refundable deposit per child to a maximum of
$100 per family for those who are entering Zone. For those athletes who have not qualify for Region, the
deposits will be refunded at the next centre meet following Zone to each family who has completed their
rostered duties at the Zone Carnival. If your child has qualified for Region your deposit will be refunded
after you have done your duty at Region. If someone is rostered on to do a duty and they do not turn up they
will forfeit their money and the person who has had to do extra duties because of this will be given the
money. Please note that if you did note have a duty originally and you fill in for someone this will be
considered your duty and you will not be entitled to the additional $50.

Will be held at Federal Park, Boscawen St, Wallsend on Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 November hosted
by Wallsend Athletics Club. This is the first of two qualifying Championships for athletes to be eligible to
compete at the State Championships. U/7 age groups compete no further than the Zone Championships and
U/8 athletes compete no further than Region. The first three finalists in each event at Zone Championships
compete at the Regional Championships to be held on Friday 7 to Sunday 9 February 2024 at the
Maitland Athletics Field.
U/7 – U/12 can only compete in 4 events, and they need to nominate the 4 events in which they wish to
U/13 - U/17 may compete in 6 events and they need to nominate up to 6 events in which they wish to compete